The Alien Almanac





👽👽 Hello! - So You called in to follow along the Pictorial Story of Our 'ET - Community' who have decided to take over Your World Without Your Permission ..... You NOW have to follow New Rules and are Governed by ONE Over-Riding Constitution that You will ALL now have to live by.

You've ALL made mistakes leading up to the Invasion by Our 'ET Community' ... Follow along to discover How & Why it ALL went WRONG! for You!

There are Live Links under some of the images to further explain each Meme .. Do Follow Them......

Please enjoy, and call back to see More Updates 👽👽

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We Hide In Your Very SOUL! Psychiatrists - Psychologists Or Psychics
Cannot See Us

Humanity has it's 'conscious mind' which controls the actions and thoughts for it's waking hours. It also has the 'subconscious mind' (or Soul) which feeds the conscious mind and persuades it to do it's bidding at all times. Humans think they have 'free will' and that seems to suit everyone who believes it. In fact, Humans don't have free will, they are always governed by their subconscious mind - (Their Soul) - which is fed remotely every second of their existence. 

In the Human awake times, they are fed by conversations, images, tv, radio, films, newspapers, etc; and visiting S.C.A.M's (See 'Visions of The Future Past' by Ven Bunce)  These S.C.A.M's also visit Humans while they sleep, feeding them with positive or sometimes negative instructions, depending on their compliance up to that point. If they act positively, they receive positive soul food. If they act negatively, they get negative soul food. 

Read #VOTFP above now, and delve deeper into how We! feed your soul, and how You! have no control.

" We Gave You Access To; 'The Universal Knowledge Bank'.
You Abused It - Access Is NOW! Denied - To SOME! "


Humanity has been evolving on Earth for far longer than Human Historians/Geologists would have You believe. We had to flee our own world because of circumstances beyond our control many millennia ago. Our level of sophisticated knowledge came with us. We call it our 'Knowledge Bank' for obvious reason. When We got here, We found We couldn't exist on the surface, so we went subterranean and even sub-aquatic. We needed to maintain this Planet Earth so that We could live here on a permanent basis, so We engineered Humanity to maintain and develop the world into a more productive environment for Our needs.

Humans have done a very good job in the main, but often, they would out-shine themselves and become a threat to Ourselves. It's those times in Human history where Great Empires were formed. We would then have to feed those subconscious minds with negative soul food so that those Empires collapsed and We needed to rebuild them again. This was fine, because each Human regeneration could build on the successes of the previous generations. So much so that it appears seamless, until investigated thoroughly. Egypt and Rome are just two examples.

At each stage We gave intelligent humans unlimited access to our Knowledge Bank so that they could build on previous successes. Occasionally, those 'chosen few' would abuse that privilege and We would have to deny future access, which would normally trigger a collapse. After all, what doesn't grow, stagnates, and DIES!

We allowed the internet to be developed by trusted Humans. That was our mistake! We are now paying for that mistake because it has given the Negative Consciousness in many humans too much influence and power. It is having a detrimental affect on the GROWTH of Our chosen planet, and SO! We may very well have to let 'this' generation collapse and DIE!

Of course, it's not quite too late, but the year 2020 saw a madness envelop this World and it needs to be 'rejected' by the majority of Humans who KNOW! beyond doubt that it rails against ANY common-sense. They Have been WARNED!

If You are wondering HOW this could happen if WE control the feeding of the Human Conscious Mind, it is because We! also have our Viruses, Our 'negative members' of Our own society that will 'infect' the consciousness of gullible Humans.

Click the Image 'Above' To Listen To;

'War Of The Worlds' - By Jeff Wayne - On Youtube

"We Gave You Choice!
AI To Destroy You
You Chose - AI!"

We Gave You Bibles
To Give You Direction
Read Them!

The 'Dark Angels' Gave You A Pandemic
Look Around You
Madness Now RULES"

"We Gave You Social Harmony
To Bond Humanity.

Politicians Use Divide & Conquer
To Destroy! Humanity"

"We Gave You LIFE!
You Entrusted Politicians With It.
You Are NOW Being CULLED!"

"We Gave You 'The Island Of Dreams'
To Explain 'Servitude"

Read It NOW!

"We Gave You Lucid Dreams
To Escape! From HELL!
Your Choice NOW!"
'Heaven or Hell!'

We Gave You The Mandela-Effect
To Open Your Mind
Then You Closed It Again!"

Your Time Is UP!

We Gave You Music
You Failed To Listen!
"Music Is The Food Of Love"

'Light Across The Universe'

We Gave You
'The Lost Chord'
You Found It
But You Are Still Searching

We Gave You Soul-Food
To Feed Your Mind
You Chose Memories

We Gave You Morals
You Chose LUST!

(Check! - 'The Game Of Life')

WE Gave You LOVE!
You Mistook It For SEX!
You Think You Can Find It OnLine ??

We Gave You SEX!
You Gave It AWAY!
Along With Your Self-Respect

"We Gave You Gender.
Males To Produce Sperm
Females To Produce Babies
Get So Complicated?"

We Gave You Honesty, Trust & Loyalty
You Traded It For
Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll

We Gave You Rainbows
To Brighten Your Lives
You Used Them For Division

"We Gave You DOUBT!
To Keep You In Line
No-One Else CARES

"We Gave You FEAR!
To Keep You On The Path Of LIFE!
Politicians Use FEAR!
To  'Control'  You!"

We Gave You Religion
To 'Save Your Souls'

We Gave You Skin Colour
To Suit Your Environment
You Used It To Fight & Divide

"We Gave You Red Meat
To Sustain You At
The Top Of The Food-Chain"

" You Want To Be The Food Then - EH? "

We Feed On LOVE! - Or We Feed On YOU!

'Light Across The Universe' 

"We Gave You #TheFew
To Keep You Subservient"

So Far - So Good!

"We Gave You Windows
To Look OUT! On The World
And INTO! The World.

NOT! For #TheFew To View YOU!"

"We Gave You MSM
To Lie, Manipulate & Control You"


WE Gave You TRUST!
You GAVE It To Politicians?
YOU Are Now In Servitude!

We Gave You 'Law & Order'
You Gave It To Lawyers & Barristers
Who USURP All Of Your Money!

Remember - Conspiracy Theories ??


We Gave You Planet Earth
To Care For Nature
But You Cared For Yourselves

"We Gave You Warnings

"We Gave You Climate WARS!
You Re-Named It Climate CHANGE!

Your BAD!"

We Gave You What You Wanted
Not What You Needed
You Are Insatiable!

We Gave You CASH!
Your Leaders Saw Digital & Crypto
You WILL Be Fleeced!

Now! You Need Your Tin-Foil Hat!

"We gave You Smart !!
It Sounded Kinder
Than Control !!"

We GAVE You Smart-Phones
YOU Took Them


Made By Aliens

We Gave You Social-Media
You Are NOW! Our Prisoners

We Are No Longer - A Conspiracy Theory

Love!  And The Alien Hybrid

We Gave You 'Lady Kate' & 'Ven Bunce'
You STILL Failed!

They Walk Among Us

We Gave You WAR!
To END War!
Your 'Leaders' Saw Money!
You NOW! Have Eternal WAR!
They Are Insatiable!!



Mind Games Are Here! - AGAIN!

We Gave You Farming
Your Leaders Betrayed You!
You WILL Starve!

The End Is NIGH!

We Gave You Medicine
Your Leaders Saw MONEY!
You WILL Die!


I'm Hungry - And YOU Look Delicious!

We're Aaaaall Doooomed!!

We Gave You Comedy :-)
You Laughed 'Til You CRIED!
WOKE! Out-Lawed Happiness

NOW You Just CRY! :-(

I Want My Freedom BACK!

We Gave You 'Democracy'
Have You EVER Been HAD! ??

"We Gave You Phoney's
To HUNT At Will!"


We Gave You SLEAZE!!
To FEED Your Politicians With

They Are Insatiable!

Security! is a Myth!

Celebrating! Them Good Ol' Boys

Gone Camping - Honestly!

We've Arrived !!

We Gave You KungFu & GrassHopper
You Chose 'The Dumb-Down Society'
Your FAIL!

"We Gave You POLLS
To Seek Your Opinion"

"We Really LOVE A Good LAUGH!"

"We Gave You Emoji's

"You Failed!"

" We Gave You Karma!
To Reward You
For GOOD & BAD Behaviour

BEWARE! ... Bad Karma

The DARK SIDE Is Twitter


I'm A Poet - Dontcha Know It ?

I've BEEN Through - 'The Vortex Of Time'

Thank You for scrolling this far.
Do call back for updates.

Thanks Again Grasshopper 👽👽
Check Out The Dark Angels Before You Leave.



The Alien Almanac

        👽👽 Hello! - So You called in to follow along the Pictorial Story of Our 'ET - Community' who have decided to take over Y...