The Church Of The Poisoned Minds




I Might Just Set Up

'The Church Of The Poisoned Minds'

To Preach My OWN Gospel

Copyright © Ven Bunce 2023




If I were Satan and I wanted to bring down democracy worldwide so that I had full control over everyone in the world – I might start by Frightening! Everyone – I mean, I’m Satan Right! ? – I’m SCARY! – And You SHOULD! be Scared!

Now what are the things most humans are really scared of? – Losing Loved Ones? – Dying? – Poverty? – Yes, they’ll do for starters, so let’s get going EH?


Firstly, I’ll scare you all with a series of suggestions that teaches you about ‘survival’ when life-threatening emergencies hit! Like War, Famine, Drought, Economy Crash, Mental Health, Climate Change, Pestilence, Pandemic etc, etc.

Now I need conduits to channel all of these scare tactics so that everyone not only ‘sees’ these scary prophecies, but believes them. I’ll use the TV and the Main-Stream-Media, both seen as good old friendly deliverer of current affairs and entertainment to enrich the human soul. But just in case they don’t do the job efficiently or fast enough, I’ll give humanity ‘Social Media’ – After all – I gave them the internet, so might as well capitalise on it.



Now! You’ll be reading this ‘Post-2023’ – but my plans were started a long-long time ago, and as My time-frame is so much different to Yours! It’s no SO long ago for Me. So let’s start in the 1960’s when I really struggled with My Nemesis – God!
He’d got control of a very influential medium that I couldn’t FIGHT! – Love! – It was everywhere! I could hardly breath, it was suffocating Me and I was FORCED to retreat, as the Music, Film, Art and Entertainment World took hold of it and RAN as fast as it could.


The first half of the 1900’s was a really good period for Me as I instigated not ONE! But TWO World Wars and millions of lives were Sacrificed to ME!! – SATAN!! – The Potential Controller of the World and ALL of Humanity! – I was so ecstatic about how well it was all going that I took My eye off the ball for a moment – Then GOD made his move! – He showered humanity with LOVE!

Those who lived through that period couldn’t HELP but be swept up with it all. The Second World War was OVER! – ‘Houses for all’ was the political mantra – ‘Jobs for all’ was another, and Money! Became accesible again. People could SAVE! – They could BUY! – They could LISTEN to Music preaching the values of ‘Real Love’ – not the ideological romantic love, and soak up the vibrations of love that the Human Form ‘requires’ on a daily basis to THRIVE!  through the music they could BUY in vinyl form to play Over-and-Over again, just soaking UP those ‘Vibes’ – I was on a loser – and I knew it.


OK! – Time to re-group – Time to come up with a plan of action to FIGHT my nemesis AGAIN! I can’t and I won’t give in that easily. Soooo, what can I do to reverse this attack on My! Plans! ?? …. LOVE! – That seems to be the keyword here, so HOW do I use that word to act in MY favour? – Yes! You’ve got it – I re-invent the ‘meaning’ of LOVE! – it will NOW be known as the meaning for SEX! After all, You all ‘love’ sex, and so you should – but there’s a time, a place and (should be) a reason for sex. Procreation! – Not! Entertainment!
Let’s make LOVE” …. “I want to make LOVE! To You” …. “Making LOVE to You is Fantastic!” …. “Please – If You Truly! LOVE Me, You’ll Make LOVE To Me” …. You recognize all of that – Right! ?? …. YEP! All My OWN doing – I’m very PROUD that you all took it on board so easily (Laughing Hysterically to Myself behind your backs gives Me such pleasure) and to see it working even MORE effectively in 2023 is beyond ALL that I’d originally hoped for … “Love Ya!” … Yes, that’s one of mine too.

So You see, I don’t really need to work too hard to get you to change direction in your actions or beliefs. I can get you doing THE most EVIL things to yourselves, starving yourselves of ‘Real LOVE’ so that you eventually suffocate yourselves JUST by changing the meanings of ‘Your WORDS!’ – Master-plan or WOT! EH??

Just incase You’re interested in other ways I’ve used this tactic, I’ve linked to another page Here! The Hijack Of Innocence‘ – Enjoy.

The later 1960’s & early 70’s was a really successful period for Me. You had the Race-Wars, The Vietnam War, The Assassination of JFK – who was ‘definitely’ another Nemesis of Mine, and in Great Britain their governments were so inept that it was heading for bankruptcy – Perfect!! – The downfall of GB/UK is one of My main aims – After all, look how it has given the World virtually ‘everything’ that has Civilised Humanity and made MY Job so much HARDER!! – Anything out there that can bring about the FALL of Great Britain is FINE by Me! – (SATAN!) – in-case You’d forgotten already. (Psssst! – I’m doing really WELL again on the GB Attack at present – 2023 – I can’t believe My LUCK! – Pronouns/Gender/ClimateWars etc :-)

The Music and Entertainment world are really stepping UP to the plate as they magnify the word LOVE as a metaphor for SEX and I welcome more and more of you into My Covens where you can GET and HAVE as MUCH Love/Sex as you like. My most popular members are politicians, powerful legislators, judges, bishops, entrepreneurs, business leaders, they can’t get enough of the stuff, and of course they not only PAY well, they EARN WELL as My reward to THEM for being so Useful to My ultimate plan of – Universal Control – over ALL of YOU! – Including those already ‘In’ My Covens – My ‘Dens Of Iniquity’ – I am Your Pied-Piper leading You ALL over the cliff like Lemmings – WHY! – Here! – And HOW!

The vibrations generated by ‘True-Love’ are my Poison.

The Energy generated by Love/Sex vibrations are My ‘Elixir for Life’.

The more ‘Negative Energy’ That You produce, the Bigger, Stronger, More POWERFUL I Become! …. Thank You For Feeding Me – and Helping Me Conquer My Nemesis – God – And Control Over You! ……….

To Be Continued ………

But if You Wish To FIGHT! ME! ….. ….

You can watch My Survival Video’s Here!


Click To Watch The Video That Mirrors My AGENDA!!





Sowing Seeds of Discord

Now HOW to sow the seeds of discord to confuse Humanity?  

Did I mention how SEX has been a really powerful Ally to Me, and how it can be a powerful Foe to Humanity? - Of course I did, after all you read the first chapter here thoroughly – Right! ??

Now when My chief Nemesis – God! Created Humanity, He made Male and Female beings so that they would multiply and populate 'His World' which as You can imagine is much different to the World I was/am looking to create. His was love, happiness, inspiration, ambition to create a beautiful World that Humans, wildlife and nature could build his dream and co-exist with each other for eternity producing the 'Positive Energy' that His World needed on an industrial scale so that it could grow exponentially into the future.

I – However, had a very different objective in mind.
My existence is dependent on 'Negative Energy'.
My World would be filled with everything (including humanity) that produced the negativity in a constant flow so that I could usurp it to use as I return this World to the Oblivion/Darkness from which it first grew. Where everything is Pitch-Black.

There is no light, no earth, wildlife, nature or most importantly – Humans.
Look into the 'eye' of the Atom! - What do you find? - Oblivion resides in there – HELL! - My Natural Home.

I have been fighting an eternity to get back there – The Atomic Bomb was re-invented to not only extinguish Humanity, but to remind You what My end-goal is. Scientists/Physicists all know about this. You have CERN with My image welcoming you if you are ever invited inside My secret Bunker. I'll bet you were impressed when it was built, and I bet You were SCARED! Witless when they discovered the Higgs Bosun Element EH? - When You imagined that the Universe was going to evaporate into 'Time' itself.

Needless to say, I made good use of that day. When a Star-gate was 'punched' into Your 'Parallel Universe' and I invited all of the mentally unstable elements of that Universe to join YOUR Universe to spread the Gospel of - Discord.

They are settled into all areas and seats of POWER in your World now. You may well have noticed since it was 'announced' to the World on 'July 4th 2012' - That a Mental Health Pandemic seems to have taken OVER your world. My Dark Forces have been at work supplementing Common-Sense with 'Nonsense' – YES! ??

You have what are colloquially called the PC, Socialist, Woke, Globalist, Entities swarming all over Your Human Rights – Your Gender – Your Sanity – Your Intuition – Making You doubt virtually everything You ever KNEW was right, moral, ethical & normal, while being AFRAID to say anything to anyone else for a very real FEAR of retribution from this perfectly MAD! Alternative to Humanity.

As I said at the start of this chapter in My memoirs, SEX is my most Powerful Ally! With Money running a very close second. So what if I could combine the two and UP the Ante` a bit? Maybe get My Dark Forces to reward all the Gullible Humans with very high doses of Dopamine from Social Media Channels to promote the Gender Wars that I know! will cause So Much disruption among those that retain a high level of Intelligence and Common-Sense.

What if I ask them to initiate a War on Travel, Free Speech, Movement.
What if they also begin a War On Motorists? With restrictions? Extra laws created with frustration in mind, and a very real FEAR that a family car is no longer an option?

What IF! They can do all of this WITH Your permission?
What IF!! 'Saving The World' was the mantra being used to bring a good many of You on board??

You have an American Ex-Politician who I remunerated Very WELL! To get the Climate Change Religion in full swing. At this time of writing, it's picking up speed very fast indeed.

I also managed to get the Young! On board by recruiting a Youngster who was very ballsy but no ethics or morality – Money is the Universal Key to getting Humans to enter my inner-sanctum. I reward very well. Money is Omnipotent – Like Me! - Like God!
Music – The Number One Tool that God uses to generate the Love/Positive Energy feed that HE! Desires constantly, has now been added to My Toolbox. Live-Aid was a fantastic Love-Generator that almost Killed Me way back in the mid – 1980's – It was manifested after Bob Geldof starred in the film version of 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd. He used the Hitler Syndrome to very good effect, but didn't carry on the momentum. Had He done so, I would not be here now planning further attacks on Humanity and the Universes.

Thankfully, after I'd recovered, I studied HOW He managed to persuade SO MANY of his contemporaries to join him in this mission to 'Save The World' and concluded that the 'Music Festival Factor' was the KEY to generating ENERGY! Both Positive - And Negative – Attendees to these Festivals are renowned for taking Social Drugs – So what if My Dark Forces could get in these events and FEED a very different Recreational Drug to these Hapless, Innocent Children/Young Adults? Could the Energy be Switched! From Positive to Negative? - You Bet Your LIFE it can, and SO! They DID!

HOW! Did I get past the gate-keepers – The festival organisers? - HOW could I get them to turn their festivals into an 'Indoctrination Event' where the attendees could be recruited to generate the Negative Energy willingly, even if they NEVER took drugs at all?
How could I and My Dark Forces achieve this?
OH YES! Of Course – Good Old Money!

We could BUY advertising maybe?
Or We could use GUILT To get Our messages across using Neuro-Linguistic Programming – NLP and Subliminal Messaging.
Now No-One needs the WOKE forces on their backs with the THREAT! Of the Cancel-Culture hanging over their heads. So if it's 'suggested' that unless these organisers willingly let the Climate-Change and Pride Movements wave their flags, signs and posters everywhere, and sign up at least 50% of all acts who are sympathisers with both movements, then life 'could' become very difficult!

Thankfully, all of the major Music Festivals 'agreed' with my ambassadors and complied very happily. As My reward, they upped their entrance fees and the crowds got BIGGER!

It's a known fact - that it's very EASY to 'SELL Your SOUL' To Me!
How am I doing so far? - Recognise all of this do you? - Feel like there's nowhere to turn to get you AWAY from the MADNESS?? - I guess I'm doing OK then, with just the Nuclear War to get off the ground to 'really put the cat among the pigeons' and start the chain-reaction to oblivion.

. To Be Continued .........
But if You Wish To FIGHT! ME! ..... ....
Maybe Check Out the 'Live-Aid-Factor' ... Here!


Toying with Humanity

Veganism – The Cult!

YES!! …. Didn't I Do WELL! ? …. I gathered all the Weak, the Weak-Willed, the Narcissists and Psychopaths, to spread the word of Veganism. I developed a Cult that would spread the word Vegan throughout the world - In return for - 'Influence' and 'Notoriety' – The very thing that all of the above CRAVE more than anything else in their lives, and what better disguise? .... A Cuddly Bunny feasting on lettuce leaves while leading you down the Rabbit-Hole-To-HELL!!

OK! - Why Veganism? - Why do I want to STOP humans enjoying meat and meat based products? Why do I want to promote the consumption of vegetables? … Look around you – Look at all of the Strong Men and Strong Women – How did they get so STRONG! ?? - Now look around at all of the Weak, Lily-Livered, Whingeing Cry-Babies that drive you MAD as they shout, scream and cry their demands at you on a daily basis.

Now ONE group give off a Positive Energy (We spoke about that earlier) – The OTHER group give off a Negative Energy – Constantly!

…. OH! By the way – There are NO prizes for guessing which group are the Vegans, and also NO prizes for guessing WHY! I want to rid the world of Meat-Eaters – After all, if I want competition, I want to be competing against the weak, lily-livered variety, NOT! The STRONG Positive variety.

Meat keeps Humans at the TOP! Of the food-chain because of the protein-value you simply can't get from vegetables. If my Vegan Cult can get to the Meat-Eaters by constantly nagging, threatening, and imposing GUILT onto them via their favourite Social-Media platforms and recruiting THEM to do the SAME! - Then Job Done! I'd say.

After All! - Didn't God's Son Jesus himself use the old Ponzi Scheme to develop Christianity? … He told his disciples to “Go Out And Multiply – Spread The Word Of God To ALL You Meet”

Jehova's Witnesses, Mormon's, MLM Co's – They all use the Geometric Progression system to great effect.
Veganism is just another Religion really, and like MOST religions, Mine will usurp the Negative Energy from profoundly Negative Individuals as described at the beginning - The Weak, the Weak-Willed, the Narcissists and Psychopaths, who will relish the idea of wielding So much POWER over their converts and in the process, they will generate even MORE 'Negative Energy' to Feed Me! - While diminishing the resources of  - The Strong! - The 'Positive Energy' providers for Humanity who wish to RULE over ME!

OH How I thank Humanity for their Vegan Runts! - So that I can utilise their stupidity in the fight AGAINST themselves.
Very soon you will ALL be under My Command.
You will ALL be eating Vegetables and Insects.
You will ALL be Sooo Weak Of Muscle and Mind that resistance to ME! - Will be FUTILE! …

Bye-Bye FOOLS! …...

To Be Continued .........

But if You Wish To FIGHT! ME! ..... ....

Maybe Check Out the 'Live-Aid-Factor' ... Here!



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